Sikh Council UK Corona Covid 19 Pandemic Support Line Uk

Sikh Council UK offers sincere its condolences, thoughts and prayers to the innocent victims
that have been killed and injured this afternoon in Westminster, London following a terrorist

Sikh Council UK strongly condemns this cowardly attack, which targeted the public and
attempted to attack at the heart of British democracy.
It has been reported that so far four people have lost their lives and 20 have been injured. We
urge all to follow advice from the MET Police and avoid for now the area where the incident
took place.

Sikh Council UK requests for calm amongst the public and in particular urge for vigilance
amongst the Sikh community both individually and Gurdwara managements as unfortunately
Sikhs have due to our distinct visible identity often been the target of wholly unjustifiable
retaliatory attacks following incidents of terrorism.

It is important that all communities come together during these difficult times and that we not
let terrorism segregate our communities into silos.
Sikh Council UK would urge all to review Government advice available online on what to do in
the event of a terrorist incident: