Sikh Council UK condemns the murder of S. Satwinder Singh Bhola on 17th August 2015 in Chicago, United States. He was the son-inlaw of Bapu Surat Singh Khalsa who is currently on hunger strike in India for the release of Sikh political prisoners who have the served the mandatory terms of their sentences.
S.Satwinder Singh was a political activist who at one time was the spokesperson for the influential All India Sikh Students Federation (now known as Sikh Students Federation)
Cllr Gurdial Singh Atwal, Chair of the Indian Subcontinent Affairs Committee said “We express our condolences to the family of S.Satwinder Singh and our prayers are with them at this sad time.
We urge the relevant authorities in the United States to conduct a robust investigation to establish the facts and prosecute the culprits”