2 nd May 2015 Local Meeting held at Guru Nanak Durbar Erith/Belvedere local meeting
10 May 2015 representatives of Sikh Council UK supported the annual charitable Sikh Bike Ride in East London.
14th May 2015 An Executive Member of Sikh Council UK attended a Faiths Forum for London event with the Commission for Religion and Belief in British Public Life chaired by Baroness Butler-Sloss which is exploring how shared understandings of the common good may contribute to a more harmonious British society.
16th May 2015 General Assembly of Sikh Council UK took place at Guru Arjan Dev Ji Gurdwara Derby during the meeting Sikh Council presented its paper on political engagement and building the Sikh vote.
16th May 2015 Representatives of Sikh Council UK attended the official opening of Gurdwara Sahib Ramgarhia Sabha Derby. During the event the Secretary General was honoured for his services and the work of Sikh Council UK.
23rd May 2015 Attendance by Sikh Council UK at Punjabi language A level campaign meeting
A number of meetings have been held with existing and newly elected MPs to introduce SCUK, build relationships and introduce raise outstanding issues of concern particularly with regards to Sikh articles of faith and dastaar. The key objective is to achieve a position of freedom to wear the Kakaars be over the course of this Parliament in UK and ideally across the EU
Representative of Sikh Council UKs Executive Committee attended a memorial service at St Michaels Church centenary commemoration Sikh contribution of battle in Gallipoli during the First World War.
5 th May 2015 A reporter from Funeral Service Times, a trade magazine, contacted Sikh Council UK wanting to speak to someone regarding Sikh funeral traditions and the best way for funeral directors to assist Sikh families. The reporter was put in touch with Dr Virk a learned senior member of the Executive Committee who was able to assist.
13th May 2015 A radio producer from BBC Radio World Service contacted Sikh Council UK wanting to speak to someone regarding Beards and the religious significance of beards in Sikhi as part of looking at faiths where hair is not cut including Sikhs, Muslims, Jews. The producer was put in touch with Dr Virk who was able to assist.
Following the general election a press release regarding the lack of Sikh MP’s was issued followed by other coordinated media activities by a media consultant. This included preparing and issuing data regarding the latest election and comparison with previous elections. This resulted in extensive media coverage being obtained in print, broadcast and internet media. The story ran across various media for over a week.
Contact and Correspondence
Sikh council UK sent out thank you letters to Members of Parliament prior to the general election. These were sent to a number of MP’s across all parties who were particularly helpful to Sikh Council UK and to Sikh causes generally during the last Parliament.
Contact from an adoption social worker wanting to understand the locations of the Sikh Community across the UK so that he could approach local authorities in the respective areas to identify a family for an adoption placement. Appropriate details were provided.
Sikh Council UK supported the relief work by member organisations including Sikh Relief and Khalsa Aid in Nepal following the devastating earthquake and resulting humanitarian crisis.